Page 72 - New Grammar with a Smile 2
P. 72
Read these sets of sentences.
y Do you want coffee? Do you want tea?
Do you want coffee or tea?
y You can take the blue shirt. You can take the green shirt.
You can take the blue shirt or the green shirt.
Or is a joining word. We use or to show a choice between two things.
Now, read these sets of sentences.
y I cannot play outside. It is raining.
I cannot play outside because it is raining.
Because is also a joining word. We use because to give a reason for
an action.
A. Match the columns to complete these sentences.
1. I like drinking milk a. or you could put it in the piggy bank.
2. You could buy books with b. but my sister likes to eat out.
your money
3. I like home-cooked food c. because it is very dark.
4. I don’t want to play outside d. and Italy.
5. I visited France e. because she is very polite.
6. Everyone in the class f. but I do not like drinking soft drinks.
likes her