Page 82 - New Grammar with a Smile 6
P. 82

♦   Interrogative sentences

                  For interrogative sentences, we have the following structure.

                   am/is/are              subject               verb + ing            rest of the sentence

                  •  Are you speaking to me?
                  •  Is he waiting for Tripti?
                  •  Am I going to help you?

                  Comparison: Simple Present Tense and

                  Present Continuous Tense

                               Simple present tense                    Present continuous tense

                       •  describes a habitual action. For  •  describes an action going on at the
                          example,                                time of speaking. For example,
                          •   I go to the playground with         •   I am going to the playground
                            my friends every evening.               with my friends now.

                       •  Time expressions used are:           •  Time expressions used are: now,
                          every day, never, always,               today, at the moment. For
                          sometimes, usually, often.              example,
                          For example,                            •  I am leaving for school now.

                          •   I usually leave for school
                            at 6:30 a.m.

                  A.  Fill in the blanks with the simple present or the present continuous form of
                     the verbs given in the brackets.

                     1.  Jack                       (have) a sore throat. He                         (say) he

                                               (feel) feverish too.

                     2.  The rain                        (come) in through the crack in the windowpane.

                     3.  Anushka                         (trouble) me a lot. She                        (begin)

                         to sing when I                         (do) my homework.

                     4.  The Ganga                          (flow) through many parts of India. It

                                               (flood) quite often, but                       (make) the

                         soil fertile.

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