Page 87 - New Grammar with a Smile 2
P. 87

4                             Words that

                                                   Go Together

                      Some words always go together. They are usually joined by and

                     or or. For example,

               y bread and butter                  y ins and outs                   y up and down

               y milk and honey                    y short and sweet                y life and times

               y needle and thread                 y loud and clear                 y salt and vinegar

               y heads or tails                    y more or less                   y hustle and bustle

               y neat and tidy                     y safe and sound                 y ifs and buts

               y sick and tired                    y by and large

               y ups and downs                     y now or never

             Complete the sentences with the correct word groups from the
             help box.

                   more or less    hustle and bustle    up and down    loud and clear

                                                        bread and butter

             1.  I had                                       for breakfast this morning.

             2.  This dress is                                          the same as the one
                 you wanted.

             3.  The news said                                            that tomorrow is a holiday.

             4.  I love the                                        of markets.

             5.  The little kitten has been going
                 the stairs.

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