Page 5 - New Grammar with a Smile 4
P. 5

                                             Simple Past Tense

                                     Find the past tense form for these verbs in the word grid.
                                                                      discovery based
                                     drop   try   stand   swim
                                     pay   visit   go   ring   save   eat   speak   begin   choose
                                           S  P  O  K  E  G  R  B  O  B
                                           A  A  C  H  O  S  E  E  L  R
                                           V  I  S  I  T  E  D  G  R  O             grammatical structures
                                           E  D  W  U  R  I  R  A  L  U
                                           D  P  A  J  I  K  O  N  W  G            explained using tables and
                                           E  V  M  C  E  N  P  S  R  H          pictures to stimulate learner’s
                                           R  A  N  G  D  Q  P  N  O  T            interest and help grasp the
                                           S  H  O  O  K  W  E  N  T  A             Composition
                                           V  B  S  T  O  O  D  S  E  T                 concepts better
                                                                                     •  page 17   •  page 22
                                           T  H  O  U  G  H  T  J  V  E      Letter Writing
                                                                  1                  •  page 25  • page 34
                                       Verbs that speak of actions that took place sometime in the past are said to be in
                                       the simple past tense.
                                                                                     •  page 43  • page 53
                                                                     When we are away from home, we write letters to our parents, friends and
                                   Structure of Simple Past Tense                     • page 66  • page 78
                                   1.  Declarative sentence
                                           Subject      Verb   Rest of the sentence
                                     I, We, You, They, Rina and Tina  relatives.        Note
                                                      sang     well.                    The use of punctuation in a letter is optional. If we
                                     He, She, It, Christina   We also receive letters from people who
                                                      sang     well.                    decide to use it, then we must put a comma
                                                              are far away from us.
                                                               There are some important points that we   • after the salutation
                                                               must remember while writing a letter.
                                                                                         Dear Kanchan,
                                                               A letter contains the following:  •   and after the greeting at the end of the body of
                                                                                          the letter
                                                               1.  the writer’s address  Your loving friend,
                                                                                          write our letters in the way that is given below.
                 emphasis on experiential                      2.  the date              If we decide not to use punctuation, then we must
                                                                3.  the beginning
               learning and art-integrated                      4.  the conclusion or the end
                        education                               Read this letter.
                  •  page 36  •  page 64
                 7              Articles                          172/1, Adarsh Nagar
                  •  page 64  •  page 76                          Mumbai 400 025
                                                                   Thank you very much for the lovely gift you sent me for my birthday. I had
                        •  page 77                                15 December 2020
                                                                   asked Daddy to buy me The New Children’s Encyclopaedia last month. Now
                                                 Warm-up          Dear Kanchan
                                                                   I had a small birthday party at home this year. I invited Ravi, Shweta, Pinky
              Choose the correct article for each noun. Then, draw the noun and colour it.  I am glad that he didn’t!
                                                      art integration  and a few of my neighbours. All of them came to the party. We really missed
                a   an   the   a   an   the   a   an   the         you! We remembered all the exciting times we used to have before you moved
                                                                    How is your new school? Have you made many friends? Do write to me when

                                                                   to Hyderabad.
                                                                    Thanks once again for the gift! Do give my regards to Uncle and Aunty.
                                                                    you have settled down properly.
                                                                    Mummy and Daddy send their best wishes to them.
                                                                    Your loving friend                                  121
                   starfish       octopus         sun
                a   an   the   a   an   the   a   an   the

                                                                                           activities that enhance
                                                                                            creative thinking and
                                                                                            creative writing skills
                                                                                          •  Page 121  •  Page 122
                   umbrella        pencil         owl                                     •  Page 125  •  Page 127
                a   an   the   a   an   the   a   an   the

                                                        exercises designed to stimulate
                                                       learner’s interest and help grasp
                                                              the concepts better
                    cat            moon           igloo     •  page 27  •  page 31
                                                            •  page 46  •  page 52
                                                            •  page 58  •  page 87
                                                                  •  page 91
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