Page 20 - New Grammar with a Smile 5
P. 20

Positive sentence                                      Negative tag

                  They live (do live) in Paris,                       don’t they?

                  He was happy,                                       wasn’t he?

                  They were happy,                                    weren’t they?

                  He went (did go) to the party last night,           didn’t he?

                  They were waiting for us,                           weren’t they?

                  They have been to Paris,                            haven’t they?

                  He had gone home early,                             hadn’t he?

                  She will arrive early,                              won’t she?

                  He can help,                                        can’t he?

                  He must come today,                                 mustn’t he?

              Usually if the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.

                             Negative sentence                                       Positive tag

                  I am not a student,                                am I?

                  You aren’t a student,                              are you?

                  She isn’t a student,                               is she?

                  She wasn’t coming,                                 was she?

                  He doesn’t live in Paris,                          does he?

                  They don’t live in Paris,                          do they?

                  He wasn’t happy,                                   was he?

                  They weren’t happy,                                were they?

                  He didn’t go to the party last night,              did he?

                  They weren’t waiting for us,                       were they?

                  They haven’t been to Paris,                        have they?

                  He hadn’t gone home early,                         had he?

                  She won’t arrive early,                            will she?

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