Page 45 - New Grammar with a Smile 5
P. 45
There are different kinds of pronouns. Let us study them.
Read these sentences.
y Mary gave a letter to Jane.
She gave it to her.
The highlighted words stand for a person or a thing.
Pronouns that stand for a person or a thing are called personal pronouns.
The words I, we, he, she, it, they and you are personal pronouns.
Personal pronouns are of three kinds.
y First person—I, me, we, us (The first person is the person who is speaking.)
y Second person—you (The second person is the person being spoken to.)
y Third person—he, she, him, her, it, they, them (The third person is the person being
spoken about.)
Personal pronouns change according to person, gender, number and their position
in a sentence.
Study the table to learn more about personal pronouns.
Number Person Personal pronouns
Subject Object
Singular First person I me
Second person you you
Third person he him
she her
it it
Plural First person we us
Second person you you
Third person they them