Page 19 - New Grammar with a Smile 8
P. 19

♦   Number

                 Pronouns have two numbers—singular and plural.

                 The pronouns I, me, he, him, she, her, it, anyone, this, that, are singular.

                 The pronouns we, us, they, them, all, these, those, are plural.

                        Person                   Number                         Pronouns

                    First                Singular                     I, me

                                         Plural                       we, us

                    Second               Singular                     you

                                         Plural                       you

                    Third                Singular                     he, him

                                                                      she, her


                                         Plural                       they, them

                 ♦   Case

                 Pronouns have three cases—nominative, objective and possessive.

                 1.   Nominative: When a pronoun is used as the subject of the verb, it is said to be
                     in the nominative, or subjective case. For example,
                     •  I like chips.
                     •  She gave me a present.

                 2.   Objective: When a pronoun is used as the direct object of the verb, it is said to
                     be in the objective, or accusative case. For example,

                     •  The dog likes me.
                     •  The teacher called her.

                 3.   Possessive: When a pronoun shows ownership or possession, it is said to be in
                     the possessive, or genitive case. For example,
                     •  This desk is hers.
                     •  These toys are theirs.

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