Page 24 - New Grammar with a Smile 3
P. 24

Uncountable nouns can be made countable by using a partitive. We use a partitive to
              talk about only a part of the whole of something.

              For example,

              •  a packet of biscuit              •  a slice of bread

              •  a jar of jam                     •  a dollop of cream

              Study this list.

                 a box of                  chocolate                 biscuits                  cereal

                 a glass of                water                     milk                      juice

                 a bar of                  chocolate                 soap                      gold

                 a cup of                  tea                       coffee                    chocolate

                 a bowl of                 soup                      rice                      cereal

                 a jar of                  honey                     jam                       peanut butter

                 a sack of                 rice                      wheat                     corn

                 a carton of               milk                      juice                     ice cream

                 a drop of                 rain                      blood                     water

                 a piece of                furniture                 clothing                  advice

                 a slice of                bread                     cheese                    cake

                 a speck of                dirt                      sand                      dust

                 a can of                  cola                      oil                       beans

                 a bottle                  water                     coke                      juice

                 a pile of                 books                     clothes                   rubbish

                 a jug of                  water                     juice                     milk

                 a bunch of                flowers                   keys                      bananas

                 a tub of                  jam                       yoghurt                   butter

                 a pinch of                salt                      sugar                     sand

                 a bag of                  flour                     rice                      sugar

                 a tube of                 paint                     toothpaste                glue

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