Page 79 - New Grammar with a Smile 3
P. 79

A preposition is a word that tells us about the position of a noun.

             A.  Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

                  1.  The fish is               the  2.  The snake is                 3.  The dog is
                       bowl.                             the hole.                         the table.

                  4.  The cat is               the  5.  The sheep jumped               6.  The van is
                       table.                                         the fence.           the post office.

                  7.  I am standing                  8.  The flower vase is            9.  The books are
                       my school.                                     the table.                        the shelf.

                  10.  The monkey is                 11. The two birds sat             12. The bone is
                                   the branch.                        each other           the dog’s mouth.
                                                         on the tree branch.

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