Page 196 - New Grammar with a Smile 6
P. 196

The eyelid                       My house is
                              What are these                                              (beside/around)
                               examples of?                protects the eye              the supermarket.
                              since, whatever,                    cleans it.                Choose the
                               until, so that              Fill in correlative
                                                             conjunction.                  correct option.

                                                  Mathematics              She is learning
                                                   (is/are) an              the German.
                        START                  interesting subject.        Correct the use

                                                   Choose the                of article.
                                                 correct option.

                                                                                            Neither of the
                                                                                         candidates (is/are)
                                         He went on               Kriti completed      suitable for the position.
                                      expensive holiday           the assignment.         Choose the correct
                                         to Bahamas.                 Change to                 option.
                                        Insert articles            passive voice.
                                       where required.

                        The meaning                   The patients were               Meera said,
                       of ‘back to the                  treated by the              ‘I love this city.’
                       drawing board’                      doctors.                Change to indirect
                         is       .                    Change to active

                Rama get a packet                                             Roll the dice and move your
                of flour some eggs                                           counter. Answer the question
                butter and sugar.                                             correctly and move forward.
                  Insert commas             raj met jayant
                 where required.              at mcpoint
                                              pizza bar.
                                              Check the
                                             capitalisation.          She said that she
                  Add a suitable                                     was visiting Paris
                 prefix to each—                                        the following
                  agree, active,                                          weekend.
                 unite, natural.                                      Change to direct
                                      Until the sun sets,
                                        let’s sit by the
                                             pool.                                              FINISH
                                      Identify the clauses.

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